Friday, August 7, 2009

E. Coli

What is it?
Escherichia coli (abbreviated E.coli) are a large and various group of bacteria. There is many bacteria that is healthy and some of it can make you sick. E.coli can cause diarrhea, urinary tract infections and many other illness. In drinking water contamination you also find E.coli.

Is it a eubacteria or archaebacteria?

How can you get it?
By eating undercooked ground beef(inside pink). E.coli is leading cause of bloody diarrhea.

What are the symptoms?
Start 7 days after you are infected with the germ. After a few hours watery diarrhea starts. The diarrhea causeto lose fluids.

How is it diagnosed?
The diagnosis is made by finding E.Coli in a stool culture . If you have bloody diarrhea see your doctor as soon as possible. Your does a culture to find out if you have E.Coli in your intestines. The culture has to be taken in the first 48 hours after bloody diarrhea starts.

How is it treated?
There is no special treatment except drinking a lot of water and watching for complications. "Do Not" take any medicine to stop diarrhea.

How can you keep from getting E.Coli infection?
Always wash your hands before touching raw meat or after. In all times wash your hands.

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