Thursday, September 24, 2009

Supremacy Clause Opinions

1)Most white people didn't like to be fair with the Native Americans. Thomas Jefferson was the only one to like Native Americans. The promise that Thomas Jefferson said in the quote was not kept, because the other white people didn't let the Indians get their own chunk of land.

2)The white people forced the Cherokees to become a religion they didn't want. The whites didn't care about what the Cherokees thought so they did what they wanted with them. Cherokees suffered in the cold weather and without clothing or blankets. There were even mothers caring their child's dead body in their arms.

3)Indians had lost ninety million acres of reservation land. The Dawes Severalty Act caused Indians to lose the majority of their reservation lands.

4)Captain Jack and his troops fought the U.S. men. They were forced onto a reservation Oregon to live with old tribal enemies who continued to torment them. Their request to be given a place to live in their homeland was denied by the government soldiers over and over again with his superior military tactics.

5)The Supremacy Clause is that they wanted their land. The white people wouldn't want to give them nothing. Andrew Jackson took away the land and resources oil and crops.

6)I think Iwould follow there orders. I would think about killing myself before dying in the frozen weather with my children. Why do that? I'll stay strong and watchover my children because they'll neeed me even more in those hard times.

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